1). It serves as an invitation to Easter. Children and parents come to the church parking lot on Saturday and receive an invitation to Easter worship on Sunday.
2). It's a reminder for parents to "Save the Date" for summer VBS. Plan your summer beach trip around VBS. We're 79 days away from the most-exciting week of the summer - children in the community need to pre-register - you can sign-up here.
3). Easter Egg Hunts connect churches with their communities. The Gospel is for the neighborhood and the nations. Lexington needs Jesus and the first step for many unchurched people is to attend a community event - if they feel welcome at an Egg Hunt, they'll be more inclined to visit a worship service.
4). An Easter Egg Hunt allows all ages of church members to serve. From filling eggs to passing out prizes - teenagers, parents, and senior adults can be involved.
Sunday April 21, 2019 is Easter - make plans next year for your church's Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 20 - a ministry event with great value!