How amazing that the God of the universe, who created our world in 6 days with just His spoken word concerns Himself with fallen, sinful men. "Yet while we were still sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). God has literally given us His creation to enjoy, what are we doing for His glory?
It's easy to become absorbed into a bubble only consumed by one's selfish thoughts. What are my worries, my concerns, my problems, my next step to take in life? The problem is that this view is so internally focused. God wants us to order our lives accordingly:
God, others and then ourselves. We should be last. I am constantly reminding my children that God tells us, "the first will be last" (Matthew 20:16). As children, they always want to be first in line, first to tell a story and first to sit down for dinner. Yet as adults we should put aside our childish ways.
This month is National Adoption Month. A month when we set aside time to remember the "fatherless." There are approximately 150 million children around the globe that will not be tucked in bed tonight. Whose tummies are not full and don't know what it feels like to belong to a family. They long for a mommy and daddy. Please pray and consider how you can make an eternal impact in these orphan's lives. Shift focus (as I am so often guilty) off ourselves and think about God's heart. James 1:27 tells us, "look after orphans and widows in their distress."
"Do Something" by Matthew West serves as a stark reminder of what God expects Christians to do as we walk in His ways. Do Something!