1). Mission teams must be connected to a local church. We hosted 3 church-based VBS' and 1 community-based VBS at a local community center. The community VBS was sponsored by an area church, but I don't believe the children nor parents associated the community VBS with the church 4 blocks away. Community-based ministry must connect to an area church.
2). A local church must follow-up after the mission team. A mission team isn't performing a "show" nor are they on "tour" - rather they should be planting seeds a local church would come after and water.
3). A mission team must intentionally encourage a local church. Too many churches in the Delta are discouraged and dying. The real mission might not be towards the unchurched and unsaved - rather to spark a revival with the local church. The missionary is the one who travels and encourages people in the Lord - we're the one ministering to others, we shouldn't have an entitlement attitude.
4). Missions always begins at home. If you're not living a missional lifestyle here in Newnan, Georgia - it's going to be hard to transform into a one-week missionary. The Delta opened my eyes to the poverty and needs here in Georgia. Why spend hundreds and thousands of dollars reaching children in a trailer park in Sidon, Mississippi if I'm not willing to drive into the numerous trailer parks here in Coweta County?
Pictures from the Mississippi Delta