J.D. Greear is 45 years old and was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The past 16 years he's been the pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina. He's married with four children. He has a B.A. from Campbell University, a M.Div. and Ph.D. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as an IMB journeyman in Southeast Asia.
The Summit Church has the goal of planting 1,000 churches in 50 years. It has already planted 248, with 208 of these being outside of the U.S. Last year The Summit baptized 631 people on it's nine campuses.
Interesting Fact: In the 2016 SBC presidential election, Greear was in a run-off vote with current president, Steve Gaines. Greear received 47.80% of the vote and Gaines received 49.96% - the winner needs 50% plus one. Greear bowed out and allowed Gaines to serve as president.
Throughout the decades, Hemphill has served churches and institutions of the Southern Baptist Convention. He has pastored churches in Kentucky and Virginia, worked for the SBC's Executive Committee, NAMB, and was president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Interesting Fact: Ken is a P.K. (preacher's kid). His father, Carl Hemphill, served as pastor for 55 years in churches throughout North Carolina.
Messengers vote for their president. Every church is entitled to two voting messengers and can qualify up to twelve, depending on their giving. Learn more about the SBC's constitution here.
When you arrive at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas - you'll want to come prepared and educated to vote for your next president!