What does this mean? 4 out of 10 people are viewing porn online and 2 out of 3 of them are men.
9% of Americans use illegal drugs - which means someone is 4 times more likely to view porn than use drugs.
Here are 3 signs your husband/boyfriend could be viewing pornography:
1). Your husband will not let you look at his laptop or phone. You have no idea what his passwords are, he keeps his computer locked, his phone is for, "work only" and no one is allowed to look over his shoulder when he's online. Total privacy - remember, if there's a secret, there's something to hide...
2). There's no web history. Laptops and phones have histories to make pages you've viewed in the past download faster when you look at them again. If the history of your boyfriend's phone is always clear, something's fishy. If your Google web history on the family computer has been turned off, why? Why would your browsing history be deleted?
3). Your husband is married more to his phone and iPad than you. You go to bed at night, and he stays up playing Angry Birds or checking football scores. After about 15-30 minutes online, you can easily check Facebook, ESPN, Twitter, Email, Favorite Blogs, and FOX News. 2-3 continuous hours for a man on the web is temptation. There's not that much worth reading online.
Why Are So Many Men Hooked on Internet Porn & Video Games?
Eyes of Integrity (outstanding book to read if you're struggling with porn)
X3pure (30 day online workshop to be set free from internet porn $99)
Covenant Eyes (Internet Accountability & Filtering System - $10 month)