Here are 3 dangers that happen when you don't listen:
1). You'll miss God. Jesus told us to be careful how we listen (Luke 8:18). God has a purpose, plan and point for your life. It's more than attending church for one hour on Sundays. You shouldn't continually ask God, "What do you want me to do?" "Where do you want me to go?" "Who do you want me to talk to?" God has already spoken to you through His Word, your job is to read and obey it (aka discipleship).
Eli told young Samuel how to hear from God, "If He calls you, say, 'Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening'" (1 Samuel 3:9). Samuel kept missing God speak, and it took an Eli to teach him how to listen.
2). You'll have the same reoccurring problems. If you're on your third marriage, your fourth job in two years, and constantly have high turnover of friends - you have to ask yourself, "Could the problem be me?" Those who are most closest to you can speak most truthfully about you. The same reoccurring problem likely is because you aren't listening - the problem is you.
Blaming and attacking others is a way we justify ourselves. The purpose of listening is to hear the truth and improve.
3). You'll become lost. Not only are you spiritually lost by not listening to God, you'll become lost by wasting hours everyday to the TV, Facebook, drinking and playing games on your phone. You go to work, come home and numb yourself. No goals, no plans, no direction - just waiting around until you have to go to work again.
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