Paul compares the Christian faith to running a race, "Don't you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way to win the prize" (1 Corinthians 9:24). When you run, you want to try your best, set a personal record.
If you're desiring spiritual revival / removal from worldliness / repentant heart towards God - running could meet these goals.
1). Running allows for alone time with God. You can listen to a sermon podcast, spend time in prayer, and meditate on God's Word. Don't waste your run listening to secular music - make time with God.
2). Running keeps you away from other forms of media. No TV, movies, video games, and scrolling your phone. Not only does it free you of media - but can free you from addictions - alcohol, unhealthy eating, and pain. Your attention and time moves towards exercise and goal setting. Signing up for a race is how to begin a goal. I'm training for a 50-mile ultra in April 2022.
3). Running reveals indwelling sin. When you're miles into a run, tired, weak, and hot - God convicts you of sinful attitudes, actions and motives. Job had lost everything, he was depleted and God spoke to him. When you're at exhaustion, the Lord comes near. Job 42:6, "Therefore, I reject my words and am sorry for them; I am dust and ashes." Running puts our life in perspective.