When I contacted Bailey back in January 2013, he told me many churches aren't holding revivals anymore, and he was glad for the opportunity.
Back in the good-old-days churches used to hold two week revivals every Spring and Fall. Today, most revivals are 4 days or possibly a week.
If your church isn't holding annual revivals, here's 4 reasons to consider:
1. Revivals allow for the biblical office of evangelist to be utilized at your church (Ephesians 4:11). God gave evangelists for the church, who are we not to use them?
2. Revival brings an intentional focus to evangelism and salvation. God wants people to be saved at your church. The Lord is more concerned about people getting saved than your plans, vision or Bible study.
"If you're opposed to evangelism, you're opposed to God." -Bailey Smith
"There's only one reason Jesus died, and that's because there's a literal hell." -Bailey Smith
"If we can't get together winning people to Jesus, then we don't need to get together." -Bailey Smith
3. Revival brings a renewed sense of vitality among the church. Nothing excites people more at church than to see people saved. People come to revival expecting great things. How excited is the person who invited their co-worker to revival, only to see their friend walk the aisle and trust in Christ.
4. Revivals bring more baptisms in churches. The Southern Baptist Convention is declining in baptisms (see article). The Great Commission commands us to baptize people. Churches that hold revivals will experience more baptisms.
Bailey Smith Ministries