He was best known for his quotes, speeches and positive books. Here's his website. Here are 5 differences Ziglar made in our lives:
1.) We need a personal game plan for our lives. When you were 10 years old and wanted to be a nurse when you grew up, have you reached your goal? Ziglar always communicated the need for a game plan and how to stay on track. If you're wasting your life, Ziglar's 3 steps to success will help: Will, Skill, Refill.
2.) People love positive messages. If you offer encouragement and hope, you'll always have an audience and friends. Ziglar wanted people to feel better about themselves after they heard, met or read about him. He built others up.
3.) Humor can connect with anyone. Even people who disagree with everything you stand for, they'll laugh at something funny. His simple, down-home humor could bring smiles to any face.
4.) Ziglar became well-known later in his career. He published his first book at 49, after a career in sales. He made mistakes early in his career - going broke 10 times and having to start over. Anyone could identify with him, a poor salesman from Mississippi - who transformed into a successful author and speaker. His first book was rejected by 30 publishers before finally being published.
5.) He wasn't ashamed of his Christian faith in the workplace. When he spoke to millions of business executives and employees, he'd boldly proclaim he's a born again Christian. Never apologized, shared his beliefs in a comfortable manner.
Some of us learn from other people’s mistakes and the rest of us have to be other people. -Ziglar
If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost. -Ziglar
Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there. -Ziglar