1). Not sharing your faith. If you really believe Christianity is the best message to the world, why are so few believers telling non-believers how to be saved? Your church must equip and train its members how to share their faith, how to overcome objections, and how to share their personal testimony. This might be the reason SBC baptisms are the lowest since 1948.
2). Not tithing. The Cooperative Program is the unifying mission of the Southern Baptist Convention. If your church doesn't give 10% to the CP, you're robbing God (Malachi 3:8-10). Why would a church ask for members to tithe, when the church isn't tithing? Jesus called this hypocrisy. God might not be blessing your church financially because your church is robbing Him.
3). Not supporting their pastor. Any member can destroy their church and their pastor's reputation through gossip, slander, not praying for him, and refusing to listen what the Lord has placed on his heart each week. If you don't support your pastor, you should prayerfully ask God to change your heart or consider another church.
4). Neglecting corporate prayer. Jesus said my house will be a place of prayer (Luke 19:46). Is your church known for its prayer ministry? Does your church have a prayer ministry? If your church is ineffective, this might be why.
5). Neglecting orphans and widows. James 1:27 is an often forgotten Bible verse, but it reminds us that pure religion involves ministering to orphans and widows. I visited a widow in our church this week who told me she was lonely. Children of divorce struggle with their family being incomplete.
6). Neglecting the community. Does your church have a benevolence fund? Does it help non-church members in the community? Its hard to go to the nations when you're not going across the street. Most likely the reason your church was planted in your community decades ago was to reach your community.
7). Neglecting the nations. Jesus commissioned His followers to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19). He didn't start a mission board or collect an offering to send others overseas. Your church should be giving, praying and learning about international missions.