1). Write a Google or Facebook review. A new resident in Moreland, Georgia looking for a church to attend, would Google on their phone, "Churches in Moreland, GA." Seven churches will come up. Below the church names are the Google reviews. Visitors will read the reviews and make a decision whether to visit. The best thing you can do for your church is write a Google review. You'll need a Google+ account.
You should also write a Facebook review on your church's Facebook page. Visitors will frequent a church's Facebook page to see pictures and posts - on mobile Facebook pages, the reviews will appear before any pictures or posts. Important - a first-time visitor to your church's Facebook page will see the reviews well before anything else! Next time you check Facebook, do your church a favor a write a five-star review. Your church's online presence matters.
Facebook check-ins are also an indirect way of letting your friends know you're at church. You can tell people you go to church, without actually saying a word.
2). Your church should use blank white banners. You can purchase 3x8 white vinyl blank banners for $11 each on eBay (which includes shipping). The picture above is our first Upward Soccer season with a handwritten message inviting children to register. You can purchase Sharpie Magnum markers on eBay for $4 each (which includes shipping - four colors: black, red, green and blue). Every event at your church, for less than $12 you can have a huge colorful banner inviting motorists to attend. Banners work. I spoke to a lady last week who saw our VBS banner and brought her children.
3). Your church should mail postcards to new homeowners. For $45 a year, First Baptist Moreland receives a weekly email of all the new homeowners within a seven mile radius of our church. We buy this list from Melissa Data. For $88 (which includes shipping) we buy 1,000 postcards for new homeowners we mail each week, inviting them to worship with us. These front and back, full color postcards come from Overnightprints. You also need to purchase a roll of postcard stamps for $34 (100 stamps per roll). Every week, new homeowners will receive a professional qualify postcard from FBC Moreland welcoming them to the community and inviting them to church on Sunday - all for less than fifty cents per home! It would cost me more to drive to their house than mail a nice card. Families have visited our church because they received a postcard. Each week we mail two to twelve postcards (there's always more during the summer months). Make sure you include the church's website, a picture of the church and Facebook page on the postcard.