Here are 4 points you must be aware of when looking for a job:
1.) The companies you apply to are going to investigate your online presence before they call and set-up an interview. A while back First Baptist Moreland was looking to hire a new staff position and someone emailed their resume. I looked them up on Facebook, and easily found party and provocative pictures - within 5 minutes this person had lost their chance for the job. I wasn't even friends with this person - everything you put online is public, even when you think its private, it's not.
2.) Do not make negative posts and tweets. If you complain and gripe about your day - why would an employer want to hire you? What company wants to hire a negative Nell or complainer Carl? Go back over the past year and delete any negative comment or tweet you've ever made. Using foul language is also distasteful and should be removed.
3.) Do not talk about politics or President Obama. The HR manager hiring you might love the political party you're bashing. Tweeting your opinion about everything in the world doesn't help you. No one cares.
4.) Do not criticize your current or former company, your boss, or co-workers. A wise pastor once warned me, "Daniel, if someone ever comes visiting your church and they're criticizing their former church or pastor, you don't want them. Soon you'll be their target."
Here are 3 tips to use Facebook and Twitter to your advantage:
- Include your Facebook page and Twitter page on your resume. For example at the top of my resume I would include: and This shows I have nothing to hide, and actually invite Human Resources to check me out.
- Talk with a positive spirit. Encourage others, provide links to helpful articles, talk about your church involvement and community service - all of these will look favorable to a potential employer. Don't make it appear that you sit around all day playing Farmville.
- "Like" or "Follow" the companies you're applying to. If you want to work for Georgia Power, go "Like" them on Facebook and write on their wall. This shows to the person investigating you that you're interested in their company.