While at the temple we purchased a few local trades. One such item was a "chop" with Esther's English name, but also Miao Yu Shen, to remember her culture. We were able to watch a local craftsman carve her name in stone. The children enjoyed watching another local artist make amazing paintings created with only his hands, fingers and fingernails.
Next we visited the Liwan Market where literally hundreds of vendors sell stones and jewels. Imagine a large mall, minus the air conditioning in 98 degree weather! At the facility we looked at jade braclets. In Chinese culture the mother hands down her jade bangle to her daughter on the daughter's wedding day as a tradition. They explained to us that jade to them is like diamonds in American culture.
Esther Miao continues to do very well and is getting more comfortable with her family. We are anxious to arrive back to the states so that doctors can examine her as soon as possible. Emotionally she is doing better than expected as one is never sure how children will respond when completely displaced. Tomorrow we have our medical appointment as we begin gearing up to come home on Thursday.