As a seasoned mom you think I would be better at traveling and pack enough diapers for the ride. Somehow on the first 2 hour flight home I found myself with 2 diapers left, and 16 hours of flying. A complete stranger had a child similar to Esther's age in the Beijing airport and graciously helped our family. Again on the longest flight home (13 hours) Esther got placed 10 rows ahead of the rest of the family in the seating chart. A stranger kindly offered to move, seeing our predicament.
When we arrived late due to weather delays we had wonderful friends and family greet us at the airport. And yet more surprises in store at home with a rice cooker and all kinds of goodies and cards making our family feel so loved and supported. Seriously a must have, we have already used it tonight as Esther must not have heard the Bible verse, "man can not live off of bread alone" because all she wants to live off of is rice and noodles.
The children love Esther and even my 2 year old son can say "Baby Esther." Please pray that Esther continues to adjust at home as sleeping has been difficult. We also have a first round of doctor's appointments this week, please pray that we will have discernment and know the best route to take in Esther's care. This is a snapshot of the past few days.