God has been SO faithful to us through this entire adoption. Even when we doubt and show lack of faith God remains faithful. "If we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown himself" (2 Timothy 2:13). Despite my imperfections, my weaknesses, my anxiety about travel God is faithful...always. He cannot separate Himself from His children.
Last Wednesday we received our visas right on time. What a blessing! Our burden of travel with entering the country was lifted. We are literally set to go (except for the minor packing inconvenience). Not only has God worked out our visa challenges, He has literally provided our needs with every step in the adoption process.
God is amazing.
Numbers 13 & 14 reminds us of the exploration of the promise land. Joshua and Caleb had faith in God and come back claiming God's promises. They knew He would deliver the land into the hand's of the Israelites. Ten out of the twelve scouts doubted and lacked faith. God's response was, "How long will these people treat Me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in Me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?" Numbers 14:11
We as humans see limitations and walls when trying to understand God's plan. The Israelites only saw problems with God's plan when they were looking at overtaking the land. Our lives can be the same. Do we look as the hurdles that must be crossed or do we recognize God's greatness and glory? Our adoption journey has shown me time and again His hand in every aspect of our lives, down to seemingly insignificant details.
The process of adopting can be tedious at times and lengthy, but God is faithful. Our hope is that people will see our adoption story and praise God for making a dream a reality. We hope our simple obedience to God's will for our family will encourage others to consider adoption. God is great! Trust in Him and He'll move mountains.