God placed the name Esther on our hearts once we saw Miao Yu Shen’s first picture, her Chinese name, and knew we would be adopting a baby girl. Queen Esther in the Bible was brave, loving and courageous when faced with possible death in order to save God’s chosen people. Our Esther also faced unimaginable circumstances before we brought her home to the U.S.A., yet she chose to be brave, embrace us with love and have courage in the face of uncertainty. Without a permanent family, living in an orphanage, and unable to walk, Esther embraced us with love even though she had fear and uncertainty in her past.
This past week, while traveling home from a family vacation, we saw a white petunia that had taken root in a crack below a flower pot. Despite the difficult circumstances the little flower faced, haven taken root in the middle of concrete, it was growing strong towards the sun with multiple white blooms. Seeing the flower reminded me of Esther. Despite many difficult circumstances, Esther has taught us how to bloom where God plants our lives.
Esther has overcome five major orthopedic surgeries, physical therapy, feeding therapy, the English language, and attachment and sleep issues. Yet despite her circumstances she has a joyful loving spirit, a contagious laugh and a fierce stubbornness. Don’t dare tell her that she is unable to complete a task, because she will show you it is possible. She is a gymnast, an artist, a daughter, a sister and soon to be a first grader. She knows that Jesus loves her and does not question His greatness.
God placed Esther in our family and we have been richly blessed because of her vivacious presence. God has taught us to rely on Him because we cannot fix everything, but must rely on Him. Romans 8:28 tells us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” The road God calls us to is not always easy, because “in this world we will have trouble…but I have overcome the world” John 16:33. On Wednesday, August 8th, at 6:30pm Broadway Baptist Church will be hosting LifeLine Children’s Services, the adoption agency our family used when adopting Esther. If you are curious, or even just slightly intrigued please come learn more about adoption. God does not call us to an easy life, but to a live of obedience.
The adoption of one child might appear small when there are over 150 million orphans, but to the child that is impacted it means the world.
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