Many believers will be worshiping online for the next several Sundays. Here are four tips to prepare for worship at your home:
1). If you have a smart TV, use the Facebook Live app to watch the service. It's a better worship experience if you plug your phone or tablet into the TV.
2). Get out of bed, get dressed, bring your Bible, have your offering ready, prepare to sing the songs - gather the household in the living room and participate in the service. Give your undivided attention to God.
3). Invite others to join you. How? Share the service on your Facebook profile - host a Facebook Watch Party. Let your online friends know you're inviting them to worship. Replace an in-person invitation with a digital invite. You can participate in the service by making a comment, letting others know you're excited about joining the online community.
4). Pray of the service and for the Gospel to speak to others. Bow your head, pray for the other worshipers, if someone asks for prayer, pray for that request. One of the best ways of engaging with online worship is prayer.
Don't waste this unique season of social distancing - it allows new opportunities for online worship and digital ministry.