In Colossians 2:6 Paul reminds us that if you've received Jesus, you should be walking in Him. This implies change. One of a believer's problems is they haven't changed - they're still finding their identity in something they're not, such as fishing. When Peter became a follower of Christ, he gave up being a fisherman. Yes, he still fished, yes he had to earn an income, yes he had to provide for his family - but all of these were secondary to his new commitment - Christ follower.
Worldly actions and worldly thinking prevents us from walking with Jesus. Here's are five subtle ways worldliness has hindered believers:
2). Self-glory is idolatry.
3). Worldliness among the church promotes legalism.
4). We are conformed to what we admire.
5). 1). Money is the root of all evil. Worldliness creates a fragmented focus of God.
"More people leave Christ, more people leave church, and more people leave ministry out of love for the world than anything else." -John Piper
"For Demas has deserted me, because he loved this present world." 2 Timothy 4:10