2008 - Crazy Love by Francis Chan - This book says we need to have an unbelievable love for God, above anything else.
2009 - This Momentary Marriage by John Piper - All married or soon to be married people should read this. The best marriage book available.
2010 - Radical by David Platt - This book says we need to give everything for the Gospel - become totally desperate and dependent on Him.
2011 - Jesus + Nothing = Everything by Tullian Tchividjian - This is Billy Graham's grandson writing about the importance of Christ in everything in our lives. This book reminds us what the Christian faith is all about.
2012 - Deep & Wide by Andy Stanley - The story of North Point Church and Andy Stanley's life and passion for reaching the unchurched. I wish every Christian would read this.
2013 - my predictions...Follow Me by David Platt or The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken