I struggle to find time that is not bombarded with activities. Quality time with our children, church time and associated activities, work, cleaning the house, cooking and the list continues. All of these activities are good, but as Jesus told Martha they are not the best choice. Luke 10:42 tells us that despite life's responsibilities, Jesus should always be our number one priority and we should take time to sit at His feet. Often I don't feel peace or rest because I haven't taken the time to search the One who gives us peace. One of my favorite Bible verses is "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). What a comfort to know that Jesus wants us to come to Him. He loves us so dearly, as little children.
The most popular question I have been asked the past few weeks has been "When are we going to China?" It reminds me of when I was pregnant and everyone wanted to know my status. "So....how are you feeling?" "What did the doctor say?" How grateful I am that we have wonderful friends and family that want to know our adoption status and have been so supportive of us throughout the process.
We are SO ready to pick up Esther, yet we are still waiting to travel. We feel confident that God will provide for our financial needs. Waiting can be difficult and discouraging, very much the opposite of peace. Yet God often shows us His wonderful mercy and glory while waiting. God is drawing us to sit at His feet and pray for His provisions. We are still very hopeful we will travel in July. Two final grants are reviewing our applications. Please be in prayer that God will move their hearts towards our adoption so that we can travel to China at the soonest possible date. Our family knows that God's timing is always perfect. We see a limited snapshot, yet God sees the entire frame.